Internet business ideas are only as good as the way you promote them online. Many fantastic ideas have been created and websites developed and yet the business fails. Let's talk about 3 advertising Internet business ideas to make sure you do not fail.
1. The fastest way to get traffic to a website is to create a pay per click advertising campaign. Google Adwords is the most popular of these and you have probably seen advertisers on web pages if you use the Google search engine.
The ads that you see across the top of the page and down the right hand side, people are paying for to get traffic. These Internet businesses have chosen to promote on Google by purchasing advertising and getting billed by the click. Hopefully they have mastered the skills it takes to write a quality ad and control the cost by bidding only what they can afford.
2. One of the best long term strategies for Internet business advertising is article marketing. Article marketing is where you write and submit articles to directories on the Internet. There are literally thousands of article directories you can submit to, but putting your articles in the top directories is the best strategy.
What makes this a great long term strategy is your articles can continue to deliver traffic to you for many years after they are first published.
Search engines will pick your articles up and rank them for targeted keywords. All it costs you is the time it takes to write and submit the article which leads to traffic.
Unlike pay per click advertising where your exposure ends when you stop advertising, quality articles over time will be online both today and in the future.
3. Blogging and social bookmarking is a fantastic way to get traffic today. Search engines love blogs and every time you social bookmark your blog post it can be picked up by a search engine that spiders that specific social directory.
Blogging is a great way to get repeat traffic as people can subscribe to your RSS feed or bookmark your blog and come back to it whenever they want to. There are so many different ways to promote your business with a blog that it is quickly becoming the best advertising Internet business idea today.
In summary this is three advertising Internet business ideas that continue to work for people who do them correctly. Ultimately you may want to try a little bit of each so you have a well rounded Internet advertising campaign.
Author: Andy Ragsdale
Andy Ragsdale started his internet business income ideas website while working at the Boeing company. Instead of building electronics, now he helps people make money on the internet. Click below to see if he can help you.
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