It is undeniably true that any transaction whether personal or of business matters, could be simplified and upgraded through the aid of the WorldWideWeb. With just a few clicks on the mouse you are holding, the entire world is within your reach. You get what you want in just a short matter of time. In our trend nowadays, people always seek for whats the swiftest line of attack to cut down time, money and effort.
Business deals, particularly, becomes more efficient and competent if it has its own website knowing that Internet technology has the power to boost ones revenue briskly. Primarily, prior to the ownership of a website, one must know on how to do so. Anyone has the freedom to choose domain or domains depending on the needs and ones preference. Domain name is simply the primary name of a website. To cite one, is the domain name, for example. The .com part of the domain name is the extension. Basically, any word or phrase can be a domain and since there are factually dozens of extensions, there are billions of possible domain name combinations.
To possibly create a domain or domain name, one must:
1. First and foremost, make sure that the email address and contact information being given when registering a domain name is accurate.
2. Privacy: One of the deluxe options you will be offered at the time of domain name registration is the option for privacy. All domain names are listed in a large internet database called the WhoIs database. Without adding privacy to the registration, contact info, including name, address, phone, email, etc. all become public information, and readily accessible to spammers, telemarketers, and junk mailers. Private domain name registration is not mandatory and will not block all spam, but it is well worth the extra investment nonetheless.
3. Business Registration: This next option concerns how the domain name is perceived in the WhoIs database and by the search engines. If ones planned website involves commercial interests, this is a highly recommended option as well. Business registration places the domain name in WhoIs as a business, rather than a personal registration, and lists by business category and subcategory. There is also an option to place an online business card and a link to a map to ones store location, which will show up on the search engines. This also boosts ones standing with the search engines; ie., business vs. personal.
4. Platinum Registration: This option protects the domain name from domain name hijack. In the event that one gives others to access on the account, such as when hiring a web author to build ones website, Platinum Registration locks the domain name down in such a way that no one can modify or steal it in any way.
For expanding businesses and organizations in the e-commerce world, more likely, they have countless domains. Eventually, managing all of these domains would give hassle on their part. There are a lot of achievable solutions to address with this concern. But the best way to counter it is through the Rapid Domain Builder. The name says it all rapid. Lets take time to comprehend on what Rapid Domain Builder is all about.
1. The Domain Manager manages all the domains on one page and it trends and data import and export.
2. It has Niche types to leverage ones Niche Domains one custom solution is not enough to power a hundred domains. A specific Niche Framework is needed to build value to a certain Niche domain. Rapid Domain Builder allows one to build domain on a variety of Niche frameworks pre-built to satisfy the needs of a certain Niche market. No other platform gives the ability to manage and build out ones domain portfolio using a variety or a mix of open source, internal and custom or commercial Niche platform.
The power of the features of Rapid Domain Builder such as: Niche Community Portals, Specific Information Based Portals, Affiliate Based Portals, and Application Provider makes available of premium benefits. It lets one monetize its members through the monetization campaigns, members enjoy the free apps and services and they could also avail either of the Free or Paid Registration for the purchase of the product. Monetization occurs through the PPC on App Pages, Shops and Products, and by Reselling the services.
Moreover, it is completely customizable. Within just one Dashboard, one can own a server, hosting requirements, database and FTP. This denotes that one can choose which hosting he would like for the domains to be on; one can choose a particular domain to have a simple hosted server or another domain to have a more robust one.
Author: mypage
Rapid Domain Builder also introduces Vertical Domain Development a way to develop domains using CMS, portals and create a live, interactive community that will allow more repeat traffic and is a great way to get more value for ones domain. It is the smart way to go in monetizing or getting value on ones domains portfolio using domain tools that will actively engage the visitor to participate instantly and create more traffic and more income in PPC, paid inbound links, and premium subscriptions.
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